What is the Process of Company Registration in Jaipur ?

As per reports, India is a country having the second-highest number of unregistered businesses in the world. However, the number of registered companies has steadily been increasing with the total being 17.95 lakh as per the data by the Ministry of Corporate Affairs. 


Starting with the baby step of shortlisting your business idea, doing in-depth research and development of the market trends, developing the product or service, looking out for finances, charting the rough business plan, the final step towards achieving your entrepreneur dream is good to go with when you are seeking to opt for Company Registration in Jaipur.  


Some of the Listed Business Entities 


Companies can be registered as private limited, sole proprietorship, partnership, limited liability, one-person company, and many more. For every type of Company Registration in Jaipur, you need to go through all the paper formalities. For instance, all private limited and LLPs are governed by the Companies Act 2013 and are registered under the Ministry of Corporate Affairs. Registering a business was once a tedious process and a costly affair involving legal complexities. But seeking professional assistance is now very easy and affordable and it comes with a whole lot of benefits. 


Private Limited Company Registration in Jaipur


This is one of the most preferable types of Company Registration and it is widely chosen as it offers greater flexibility, limited liability, and has a great possibility for expansion. A private limited company is incorporated under the Companies Act 2013. 


Sole Proprietorship 

Also called a Solar Trader Company, in this type of business entity only one person owns and takes care of the business operations. It is simple to set up, no capital investment is required. There are no benefits of limited liability and no legal distinction between the business and its owner. 

What is the Process of Company Registration in Jaipur


5 Reasons that you must consider for registering a company in Jaipur


1. Opening of business Account 


 A current bank account is a basic requirement and an important asset of any business be it a partnership, proprietorship, private limited, etc., and serves as legal proof of existence. While opening a business bank for a Pvt Ltd Company in the respective state, copies of the incorporation certificate and memorandum of association need to be submitted. Whereas no such documents are needed for sole proprietorship and partnership companies.  




2. Easy transfer of ownership 


At some point in time, there does arise a need to transfer the ownership of the business and in such cases, it becomes more complex for unregistered business entities. Sole Proprietorships cannot be sold and only the transfer of ownership of assets can be done. On the other hand, the transfer of shares and business-related documents is easy for the entities that are registered as Private Limited Company Registration in Jaipur. 


3. Limited Liability Protection 


Any business is prone to incur a loss and one of the main advantages of registration is that it offers limited liability protection, and hence the business promoters are not liable for the liabilities of the business. There is no way of losing personal property. 


4. Brand Recognition 


A registered business is the biggest asset and has the prospects of being passed down as an inheritance to generation or it could be sold to new breed entrepreneurs. Company Registration is required for sustainability. 



5. Secure funding 


To move your business forward, seeking and securing investment cannot be missed out. Funding could be in the form of debt or equity. PVT LTD Company Incorporation in Jaipur facilities the funding process well and attracts more potential investors. 


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