Need for CA firm in Delhi for a Startup

It is a myth that CAs are required only after you have completely established your business. One can take help from an experienced CA even before you have started your business. He/she can always help you with evaluating your business model, marketing strategies, getting financial raises, saving tax on investments, and much more. Ask for So, being a business entrepreneur here are some primary decisions for which one can approach as a CA: Type of the business Firstly, the question that arises is whether you want to have a business as an individual trader, in a partnership, or a Private Limited Company. An individual trader Here, an entire load of business is on your shoulders. And you need to know the legal requirements of your business and legal formalities as well. A CA Firm in Delhi like Alonika can help you to establish an entity hassle-free. Like from registering yourself as under tax authorities? To ...